Archive by Author

Congratulations to the new Shihan and Kaiden Sandaikichu Shihan!

Congratulations to the following members who recently received Shihan licensing (and above) from Nidai Soke Okuyama. They were promoted on 8 August 2014 at the conclusion of the Jikiden (direct transmission of mysteries/skills) sessions held in Bay City, Michigan, USA. Menkyo Shihan Joseph Adornato, – Texas, USA Menkyo Shihan Ronald Ramirez – Arizona, USA Menkyo Shihan Richard Schafer – California, […]


Hakkoryu Taikai 2014 – Michigan, USA

We would like to thank everyone who participated and was otherwise involved in the very successful Taikai in Michigan, USA hosted by Joseph Stricker Shihan on August 1-3, 2014 at the Hakkoryu Senshinkan Dojo in Bay City. We enjoyed over 50 participants from North America and abroad and entertained over 100 guests at the celebratory […]

Taikai 2014 Flyer

2014 North America Taikai and Jikiden Sessions

UPDATE: The Taikai enrollment fee has been frozen at $300. There will be no price increase for 2014 as previously stated. An open Hakkoryu Taikai will be held in Bay City, Michigan, USA with Nidai Soke Okuyama on August 1 – 3, 2014. Following the weekend of training, Hakkoryu Shihan, Renshi, Kaiden, Sandaikichu and Koho […]



Some fifty or more years in the past, Westerners returning from a visit to Hakkoryu’s So-Hombu Dojo in Omiya, Japan brought back with them a term they had heard used by someone to describe the unique pressing and twisting of the body’s Shinkei, Shinpokei and Haikei meridians in the Yondan-gi teachings. That term, “shibori” has […]