2014 North America Taikai and Jikiden Sessions

Taikai 2014 FlyerUPDATE: The Taikai enrollment fee has been frozen at $300. There will be no price increase for 2014 as previously stated.

An open Hakkoryu Taikai will be held in Bay City, Michigan, USA with Nidai Soke Okuyama on August 1 – 3, 2014. Following the weekend of training, Hakkoryu Shihan, Renshi, Kaiden, Sandaikichu and Koho Shiatsu Igaku Jikiden Sessions will be held August 4-10. Nidai Soke Okuyama will be hosted by Shihan Joseph Stricker’s Hakkoryu Senshinkan Dojo 八光流洗心館道場 (Pure Heart House School) in Bay City, Michigan, USA for all events.

This is the first time that Nidai Soke Okuyama will share Hakkoryu Jujutsu techniques and philosophy directly with people who are not yet members of the school.

For lodging a group rate at a local hotel has been arranged: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/book/hakkoryu

Area map: http://goo.gl/maps/kDWC8

The overall training schedule can be seen here: http://bit.ly/11g0AYq

All Hakkoryu students are eligible for and encouraged to attend the Koho Shiatsu sessions as the introductory training in meridian theory is essential to deeper understanding of the jujutsu, and fulfills the requirement for the individual to have completed the course prior to receiving Menkyo Shihan.

In order for a Shihan in good standing to recommend their Yondan student(s) for Shihan Jikiden, contact Kaiden-kichu Devon Smith (shinzan@mail.com) for appropriate recommendation and application forms. Forms are also available for any current Menkyo Shihan and above to apply for Shihan Renshi or Kaiden Renshi as well as their next levels of training as necessary.

The Taikai is free to those attending the Jikiden sessions for licensing. For all others the Taikai fee is $300 if paid before 1 January 2014. Down payment amounts and submission dates have been announced privately. For questions please contact Shihan Joseph Stricker at josephjstricker@yahoo.com.