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Some fifty or more years in the past, Westerners returning from a visit to Hakkoryu’s So-Hombu Dojo in Omiya, Japan brought back with them a term they had heard used by someone to describe the unique pressing and twisting of the body’s Shinkei, Shinpokei and Haikei meridians in the Yondan-gi teachings. That term, “shibori” has […]


Update to Dan Certificate Rank Callouts

  Beginning this year, Nidai Soke will be using alternatives to the typical numeric kanji to denote  menjo (certificate) rank as follows: 1  壱 2  弐 3  参 4  肆 5  伍 These older, formal kanji are called daiji (大字) and are often used in official documents to help deter falsification.


Hakkoryu Study Established in Chile

        Hakkoryu So Hombu Dojo and its Representatives outside of Japan would like to welcome Mr. José Luis Riesco Pérez of Santiago, Chile as the first to establish a Hakkoryu school in that country under the supervision of Jesus Bonilla, Kaiden Sandaikichu Shihan, Hakkoryu Representative for Latin America. We wish he and his […]


Koho Shiatsu Certification Session – March 2013

As authorized by and on behalf of Hakkoryu Nidai Soke Okuyama, North America Hakkoryu Representative Kaiden Sandaikichu Shihan Joseph Miller will instruct and certify attendees in the therapeutic and healing methods of Koho Shiatsu. From March 30 – April 4, 2013, official Koho Shiatsu certification will be hosted by Kaiden Sandaikichu Shihan Garner Train at […]


Congratulations to the new Shihan and Kaiden Sandaikichu Shihan!

Congratulations to the following members who recently received Shihan licensing (and above) from Nidai Soke Okuyama. They were promoted on 14 September 2012 at the conclusion of the Jikiden (direct transmission of mysteries/skills) sessions at Bayonne, New Jersey, USA. Menkyo Shihan Gil Adams, Seizan – California, USA Menkyo Shihan George Wilson, Shuho – California, USA […]