Nidai Soke and Takashi Sensei visit Switzerland – Taikai 2017

Hakkoryu Swiss Dojo

Hakkoryu Swiss Dojo

UPDATE: Please see change in event location.

UPDATE: Swiss Taikai 2017 Schedule is here! See

The Grand Opening in Switzerland! Announcing the 2017 Taikai:

Taikai Date:
9 June – 18 June 2017


Centre de Loisirs
des Franches-Montagnes

Chemin des Sports 10
Case postale
CH-2350 Saignelégier, Jura, Switzerland

Contact: Tel: +41763768717

The first three days Seminar from June 9th – June 11th is open the the public, regardless of previous experience:

Hakkoryu Kihon Waza
Hakkoryu Goshin Jutsu (Self Defense)
Koho Shiatsu Igaku principles
Hakkoryu Police Apprehension Taiho Jutsu principles

The remaining 7 days from June 12th till June 18th, 2017 will be:

Shihan Certification
Koho Shiatsu certification
Hakkoryu Taiho Jutsu (Police Apprehension Certification)

Instructors Include Nidai Soke Ryuho (Toshio) Okuyama, Takashi Okuyama sensei, Sandaikichu Shihan Matsumoto, Sandaikichu Shihan Takahashi and Sandaikichu Shihan Joseph Miller (North American & European Representative).

Fee: 3 days seminar: 300 euro