
Attention Shihan:

1. To initiate the process of recommending a student for Shihan Jikiden, or for a current Shihan to request further training from Nidai Soke, contact your Regional Representative. Jikiden, Renshi and Shiatsu payments are to be made directly to Nidai Soke Okuyama prior to the start of the sessions. Announcements will be made if or when down payments are required.

2. Payment for Initial Student Registration, Annual Student Dues, Shihan Annual Dues is to be made to Hombu Dojo using PayPal to Waka-sensei Takashi Okuyama:

Always include your Name, Shihan number and Mailing Address with all correspondence.

3. For all other payments for purchases such as Dan Certificates, Hombu issued Keikogi, Obi and other items, make payment to Hombu Dojo using PayPal at